Every year people regularly come to ChinaMedicfor a series of treatments for their osteoarthritis. Since the ChinaMedic Approach consists of a variety of acupuncture techniques, we can combine several techniques that will benefit your situation. We generally apply two techniques for osteoarthritis: classical acupuncture and laser needle acupuncture.
The stimulation with the LaserNeedle is just as strong as with metal needles and completely pain-free. According to the clinical research, with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, the application can cause a regeneration of the cartilage. Because of an increased cell metabolism more cartilage tissue is formed instead of being degraded. This reduces pain, stiffness and inflammation and increases onesmovementand ease and therefore quality of life.
Read below the experience of one of our patients:
Rian 26-06-2018 Amsterdam
“After replacing my front cruciate ligament in my knee in 2011, I had pain in my knee because I also had considerable cartilage damage. After walking around with pain every day for two years, I decided to try acupuncture in 2013.
Via via I came to Kasha Yang for a consultation. She came across as a skilled acupuncturist who gave me a positive feeling about the possible treatment. If only the pain would diminish or even disappear over time, I would be very happy.
However, it turned out that after some 20 acupuncture treatments, the pain in my knee had permanently decreased by at least 75% and I lost the stiffness in my knee more and more. In the 2nd year with another 15 treatments with the LaserNeedle, the pain had even completely disappeared, which was really a relief. On the advice of Mrs. Yang, I take about 10-12 LaserNeedle acupuncture treatments for a period of 6 weeks (twice a week) as a kind of maintenance. I have been doing this for 5 years now (as of 2018) and I am very happy with the effect. It is really great that acupuncture directly contributes to the reduction or disappearance of pain caused by cartilage damage, so that you can move more freely in your daily life.