Eczema en acupuncture
Eczema is often the effect of an allergic reaction to a particular substance and is noticeable by an itchy skin. You often recognize the eczema by redness, swelling, flakes, bumps, fissures or scabs. For people with such a skin condition this is a daily inconvenience. Especially when it is a more serious form of eczema it can be an emotional and social burden for which reason people tend to isolate themselves out of shame for their condition.
The Skin
We often don't realize that our skin is the largest organ of the body. And just as with other organs the optimum function of the skin action can be affected by various factors, both internal and external. Internal factors, for example, are: not properly functioning intestines or liver, a weak functioning immune system or some form of emotional pressure. External factors can be: wrong eating habits, a lack of sufficient fluids, too much sun, the use of medication and skin products as well as a sensitivity to certain weather conditions.
In almost all cases, eczema will lead to a substantial physical discomfort. The emotional and social consequences can also be significant. Feelings of shame can lead to isolation and a lack of self- confidence and disturb in that way the flow of everyday life.
What can acupuncture do?
Acupuncture is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This age-old medicine is based on the knowledge that physical complaints arise from disruptions in the body's energy management. With acupuncture these disruptions can be repaired so that the energy flow in your body again will be balanced. Acupuncture helps the body and mind to heal themselves.
With eczema the cause is always a disruption in the energy management of the body. Accumulated energy sits in the body and seeks a way out; in the case of eczema through the skin. Acupuncture treatment together with herbal therapy is aimed at regulating the energy flow. And helps relief of most acute skin issues. In addition, because the treatment focuses on the recovery of the immune system and the ability of balancing the energy, the complaints also decrease. Soon you will notice that life with a skin problem becomes a problem of the past.