Quit Smoking
"I’m quitting!" An important decision that you’ve made yourself and where acupuncture can offer assistance. Acupuncture is used successfully as a support to stop smoking. As the physical need for nicotine disappears, withdrawal symptoms are kept to an absolute minimum. In addition, we also deal with "emotional" points related to, for example, depression and gluttony, so that a cigarette is not subsequently replaced by something else such as sweets.
In the first few weeks your body is busy adapting to the new situation. Your oxygen intake improves, and so does your physical condition, you feel clearer, et cetera. However, you may still have to deal with old habitual behavior. To be able to handle this properly, it is important that you yourself remain motivated not to light up again! If there are other complaints related to smoking, we can also discuss these and help you resolve them. As you know, Traditional Chinese Medicine covers more than just stopping smoking treatments.
How can acupuncture support?
The treatment starts with an intake where you will go through a questionnaire. After this interview, treatment starts according to the ChinaMedic Approach. Five treatments on average are sufficient. If you are having a hard time however, there is of course the possibility to get more treatments. Finally, we will give you advise on how to deal with this in the best way.