The government has decided to extend the more stringent measures regarding the COVID-19 virus. Acupuncturists fall under the contact- professions for which they are no longer allowed to carry out their treatments for the time being.
Therefore, ChinaMedic will not perform acupuncture treatments until May 20th 2020.
ChinaMedic offers other options:
- Are you already a patient at ChinaMedic and did you run out of your Chinese herbs? Or do you want to use Chinese herbs in these turbulent times to strengthen your immune system? Our mailbox ( is still open for ordering Chinese herbs for both delivery and collection.
- From May 1st our digital consults will be open. Would like to plan an appointment, please send us an email to
- From May 20th you can make appointments with us again. If the measures are extended again, the appointments can of course be canceled or moved free of charge.
To minimize the spread of the coronavirus, here’s the advice from our acupuncturist Kasha Yang.
Precautionary actions:
1. Wash your hands well before taking food and before touching your face.
2. Greet each other with your elbow instead of a kiss on the cheek.
3. Keep a distance (2 meters) when you see someone sneezing or coughing, or walk away immediately.
4. Gargle with lukewarm water, spit in your throat and mouth for at least 5 seconds, then do this 3-5 times a day, especially if you’ve been in a public place. (A study in Japan shows that this reduces the risk of influenza virus infection by 40%.)
5. Ventilate your rooms for at least 5 minutes every day.
6. Stay at home as much as possible.
Improve your own immunity:
1. Regular living, getting enough sleep and eating a healthy and varied diet.
2. Avoid too much stress.
3. Take a warm (foot) bath every day so you can sweat lightly. (around 38-40 degrees, 30 – 45 min). For example, place a (thermos) jug with hot water next to your (foot) bath. This way you can always refill when the water has cooled down.
4. Drink (homemade) fresh juice every day.
A recipe for 3 persons can be:
-1 kilo of winter carrot
– 5 elstar or jona gold apples
– 30 g of fresh ginger
With a little ginger, it neutralizes the coldness of the juice and strengthens digestion. It is important that you clean everything very well with water before you press it.
5. Massage three acupuncture points every day, see the video on our site:
6. Drink Chinese herbal teas to strengthen your immune system.