Pain-related ailments and acupuncture
Pain is a signal from the body to let you know that something is off and out of balance. It is a natural protection mechanism. Your body lets you know that something is going on that prevents it from functioning optimally. Pain is therefore the most common complaint when you visit a doctor. As a result, Dutch people with pain symptoms take 1 million painkillers a day and the risk of addiction to painkillers is increasing.
However, by surgically removing or suppressing the pain, the cause is usually not addressed let alone eliminated. You actually only influence the inner alarm system of the body. Research into the cause to gain the best possible control of the disease is therefore always necessary. Acupuncture has traditionally played an important role in the treatment of chronic and acute pain-related ailments.
Disrupted Energy Circulation
Within acupuncture, pain is seen as a sign that a blockage has occurred in the energy pathways somewhere in the body; the energy cannot flow or flows insufficiently. There is little to no energy flow. A shortage or reduction of life energy and blood causes possible tissue damage, which in turn causes pain. The necessary nutrients have difficulty getting to their place of destination and waste materials are not sufficiently released.
Restoring Balance
The point of view acupuncture takes, is that if there is a smooth energy flow, you feel no pain. If you feel pain then there is a blockage since a blockage causes pain. So if you improve the energy circulation, the blockage will disappear, and the pain in turn will decrease.
Several studies have shown that acupuncture helps well with pain relief. The purpose of acupuncture is to eliminate the energy block that has arisen, so that both the quality of the energy and the quantity of that energy increase. The more the energy is balanced in the body, the less pain is experienced.
The ChinaMedic Approach
You can come to ChinaMedic for all kinds of complaints, disease or ailments. In addition to helping in a wide variety of disorders, we are especially specialized in the treatment of pain ailments. The ChinaMedic Approach has emerged from Kasha’s years of experience in applying acupuncture through various acupuncture techniques together with knowledge and experience in western medicine. Add Kasha’s dedication to improving the health of her clients to the mix, and you have the unique ChinaMedic Approach.
Although symptoms may appear similar, every person is different. One has a strong constitution, the other a weaker one. One may be overweight, as the other is slender and age also plays a role. All these factors and more are considered and taken into account when determining the treatment plan. A treatment plan is therefore always a customized approach and can be adjusted at any appointment. Do you fear needles? No problem. There are methods such as the LaserNeedle in which treatment is applied through laser instead of actual needles.