Arthritis is, unlike osteoarthritis, an inflammation to the joint capsule. In severe form There is distortion that can be seen in crooked fingers and toes.
One often suffers from pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints.
The Application of acupuncture is, in addition to relieving the joint, mainly aimed at remedying the inflammation.
How does acupuncture help?
In TCM, different from rheumatoid symptoms is considered, making it possible to help you with the use of acupuncture on the way to a pain free life and good health of your body. Acupuncture is all about energy and your entire body and mind. By looking and feeling for the quality of the energy you have, the acupuncturist is able to use the ChinaMedic Approach to establish a treatment plan that is aimed at increasing this quality. In Addition, the quantity of your energy will also play an important role. By stimulating specific points on your lower abdomen and stimulating your self-healing ability, you will be able to develop more energy step By step. By increasing the quality of energy as well as the quantity of your energy, you are then able to move better and easily.