Backache and Acupuncture
Lower back pain
People often start to suffer from lower back pain due to a wrong working or sitting position. You can also get acute pain through heavy lifting or a sudden wrong movement. Another common cause of low back pain is an excessive workload in combination with a lack of exercise. Furthermore, physique, hereditary factors, organ problems or abnormality in the spine are important ingredients that can play a role. The acupuncturist will therefore want to know as much as possible about the specific circumstances that led to the complaint. Such an extensive analysis is not only necessary to resolve the complaints, but also to prevent them.
Different Symptoms
You get up from a chair and bend down to pick up a piece of paper. Suddenly you feel a heavy pain and you can hardly stand up anymore. This is a well-known example of acute low back pain. But the complaints can also occur less acutely. A nagging pain that slowly worsens, for example, or pain that radiates to the legs. The effects of low back pain are different for everyone; it can lead to postural abnormalities or have difficulty sitting or barely standing or walking. Sleeping problems are also common. More exercise can be part of the therapy, in other cases absolute rest is required. Sometimes the acupuncturist will combine the treatment with massage and exercises.
How can acupuncture help?
Acupuncture and the ChinaMedic Approach can help a great deal in assistance with pain relief and muscle relaxation. Joint blockages can also be lifted, which means that a reduction in complaints can occur or even disappear completely. With acute complaints, some singular treatments are often sufficient for a noticeable effect. Chronic complaints usually require more, simply because they have been going on for a longer period of time. In the case of permanent back injury, such as severe wear and tear, acupuncture can only have a symptom-reducing effect. In periods with the symptoms getting worse you can always call on our acupuncturist to help relief the pain.