Headache and Acupuncture
In the West, a headache is a common heard complaint that can have a big impact in your life. They can be the result of a lifestyle, in which a combination of too little rest (stress) with unhealthy nutrition predominates . In addition to migraine, there are different types of headache, such as tension headache, headache due to painkillers, facial pain, etc.
In acupuncture, a recurring headache is not only seen as a problem of a local energy blockage, but also as a decrease in the functioning of specific organs. When looking deeper, there always seems to be of a functional disorder in one or more organs as an underlying cause. The application of acupuncture during treatment is therefore focused on the overall functioning of the body. As the headache reduces or completely disappears, your overall health has also improved.
Tension Headache
A tension headache feels like a pressing, pinching pain on both sides of your head, or as a tight band around your head. The headache can sometimes worsen through tensions, a wrong posture or too little change of posture, poor sleep, tiredness or looking forward to something.
Headaches as a symptom from taking medication
Using painkillers too often can lead to a worsening of your symptoms. Your body uses the amount of medication as it were, which means that after a while you will have to increase your original dose in order to experience some effect. One can built a certain tolerance.
In addition to a recurrence of the headache, you may also experience other symptoms such as tiredness, nausea, rapid irritation, problems with concentration, restlessness, anxiety and depression.
(Head) pain killers that, if you use them too often, can give you headaches are: paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid, carbasalate calcium, diclofenac, naproxen, ibuprofen, triptans (migraine agent).
How can acupuncture help?
Experience has shown that a functional disorder at the organ level is often the cause for someone suffering from headaches. By focusing treatment on the entire body and the underlying disruption with the ChinaMedic Approach, many people have benefited in clearing their symptoms. Not only has their overall condition improved after some time, in most cases there has been a remarkable decrease in the amount of headache suffered.