Heel Spur and Acupuncture
The tendon plate (fiber band or plantar fascia) runs under the foot from the toes to the halibut. If the tendon plate is overloaded in the foot due to too much standing, running, walking, exercising et cetera, as well as excessively stretched, the tissue and bone around the heel bone can eventually become inflamed, and calcium deposits build up on the bottom of the heel bone. Repeated damage can cause these deposits to pile up one on top of the other, later causing a spur-shaped deformity. The pain is experienced as a fierce persistent pain, which is felt especially after not having burdened the heel for a long time, such as while sleeping, lying or sitting.
How does acupuncture help?
Acupuncture basically revolves around three factors: quality of energy, quantity of energy (meridians and blood) and mobility.
Energy can be either too little or too much both in quality as in quantity and mobility is either disrupted or not. It is a personal combination of these factors, which causes each complaint, ailment or disease. There is no harmony and balance between energy input and output. In case of a tendon inflammation there usually is no general cause to the dis-ease.
With the ChinaMedic Approach we have successfully helped many people with heel spur to become pain free again. As there is no general cause, we will propose a tailor-made treatment for you to achieve the best possible result. Read here the testimonial of one of our patients.