Migraine and Acupuncture
If your headache is accompanied by a throbbing pain on one side of the head which is exacerbated by physical exertion, by feeling nauseous, and by being sensitive to light and sound, chances are that you are suffering from a migraine.
Within TCM, migraine is seen as the result of both local energy block and the diminished functioning of one or more organs. By tackling the underlying dysfunction of these organs, relief of the complaints is generally rapid. While your migraine is reduced or and ultimately even completely gone, your overall health will also have improved.
A migraine is a type of vascular headache, affecting around 11% of the population. Typical symptoms of a migraine are:
- severe throbbing pain usually on one side of the head or behind an eye;
- light sensitivity;
- visual disorders;
- nausea and vomiting;
- pressure sensitivity of the scalp;
- hypersensitivity to certain odors;
- loss of concentration;
- dry mouth.
The exact cause of migraine is unknown in mainstream medicine. From the acupuncture point of view, a migraine is approached as a disruption of energy, with the most common factor being an insufficient functioning local supply of energy which therefore causes the headache. It also often appears that this headache is related to a dysfunction in the organs.
How can acupuncture help?
Acupuncture is aimed at creating a better energy supply and blood circulation around the head, plus strengthening the function of underlying organs. As a result, both the symptoms and the underlying cause of the migraine are addressed.
We recommend that people come to the practice for treatment during a migraine attack. Below you can read a number of factors that can trigger a possible migraine attack:
- Fatigue
- Stress
- Sleeping too little or too long
- Skip Meal,
- Consumption of certain foods (chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, in particular red wine, nuts and cheese).
Acupuncture helps in particular because experience has shown that a dysfunction at the organ level causing a person suffering from migraines. By focusing treatment on the entire body and specifically the underlying disruption with the ChinaMedic Approach, several people have benefited from undergoing acupuncture. Not only has their overall condition improved, in most cases they reported an impressive decrease in migraine attacks.