Neck and Shoulder pain and Acupuncture
Neck and shoulder pain often go together. Approximately one third of people suffer from neck and shoulder pain. The most common causes are wrong posture, wrong movement or overloading. In addition, neck osteoarthritis, whiplash, and neck hernia can all cause neck and shoulder pain.
Neck Pain
Many people suffer at some point in their life from neck pain due to wrong posture, muscle tightness, a fall or something other reason. Sometimes you can even wake up with a painful stiff neck.
Acupuncture can be a good solution for pain relief and cramping of muscles as well as cell repair, especially in combination with a massage or manual manipulation. Acupuncture stimulates the energy flow and Qi quality of the blood, making the body more resilient and flexible in dealing with resistance.
Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain can be felt in various places; in line with the neck for instance or at the top of the shoulder blade. In case of bursa inflammation the rotation of your shoulder is usually very painful.
When someone suffers from neck and/or shoulder pain, it is often accompanied by a stiff feeling and/or radiating pain to the head, arm or shoulder region. Depending on the cause, acupuncture treatment can reduce high muscle tension, improve local blood circulation and greatly relieve pain or have it even cease to exist.
How does acupuncture help?
With the ChinaMedic Approach we often combine two or three treatment methods when tackling neck and shoulder pain: LaserNeedle for reducing local pain, classical acupuncture to ensure energy flow and better circulation through the meridians, and abdominal acupuncture to improve function at the organ level.
The use of the LaserNeedle offers a solution especially in the cases of acute pain and muscle stress. Due to local treatment of the affected area there is often a positive noticeable difference after the first treatment. Within 2 to 3 treatments the pain can even disappear completely. In addition, LaserNeedle provides a stimulus to cell growth, which means a better flow of energy through the cells and a sped up recovery from injury.