Nerve Pain and Acupuncture
Painful neuropathy, or nerve pain, is a neurological disorder that can lead to severe chronic pain due to nerve damage. The causes can be of various kinds. There are many causes for painful neuropathies, such as:
- Diabetes
- Alcoholism
- Infections
- Auto immunity;
- Disorders such as Kidney failure or cancer;
- Cancer chemotherapy
- Surgery or other physical trauma
Neuropathy expresses itself mainly in a reduced sensation of touch (insensibility, numbness), a faulty function (tingling, irritation, cold pain, burning sensations, pain upon touching) and motor impairment due to loss of strength.
There are however a few symptoms common to all syndromes that occur most frequently in the limbs, namely:
- a sharp or stinging pain;
- a burning sensation;
- a dull feeling.
How can acupuncture help?
Abdominal Acupuncture often offers a solution for neuropathy. With the help of the ChinaMedic Approach, it is possible to greatly reduce or even eliminate acute or chronic nerve pain, phantom pain and other chronic pains. With neuropathy we use acupuncture points on the abdominal surface that are related to the problem area. By precisely pinching these points, it is possible to quickly reduce nerve pain. If necessary, we apply another acupuncture technique for the best result. Often people notice improvement and relief of pain during the first treatment. Acupuncture treatment for nerve pain is safe and has no side effects. Even in people with a (severe) diabetes neuropathy, we have achieved the desired result.