Osteoarthritis, or commonly spoken of as a wear and tear of the joints, is one of the most common forms of rheumatism. It is a condition caused by calcification of the cartilage in the joint. People often suffer from pain and stiffness.
According to TCM, the Chinese health system, calcification of cartilage in joints is related to depletion of kidney energy. With a combination of abdominal acupuncture and the LaserNeedle, the acupuncturist treats the client for the overall condition at the organ level and for pain relief locally at the joint. The needles are set to restore and strengthen the kidney energy and the LaserNeedle provides a stimulus for creating and renewing cartilage. It’s our experience that this combination works well in almost all cases as patients report that the pain diminishes and the stiffness decreases.
Example from practice: An older patient has a lot of pain and stiffness in her knee due to osteoarthritis. After a number of acupuncture treatments, the pain in her knee was reduced by 75%.
How does acupuncture help?
Within TCM the symptoms of osteoarthritis are looked at differently than by western medicine. This approach creates the possibility to help you on your way to a pain-free life and the healthiest possible physical health with the use of acupuncture and the ChinaMedic Approach.
Acupuncture is all about energy and the connection between your body and mind. By looking and feeling the quality of your energy, the acupuncturist is able to establish a treatment plan aimed at increasing this quality. In addition, the amount of energy also plays an important role. By stimulating your body through specific points and thereby your self-healing capacity, you will be able to develop the right amount of energy step by step. The combination of improving the quality of energy and quantity of energy ensures that you are able to move better and more easily.