Rheumatism is a collective name for acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders and can be roughly classified into three forms, namely: osteoarthritis, soft tissue rheumatism and inflammatory rheumatism.
The symptoms are mainly characterized by swelling, pain and motor impairment of the musculoskeletal system.
In acupuncture, rheumatism is referred to as Bi-syndromes. The term “Bi” has its origins in an icon, with the inside meaning “poison arrows” and the outside meaning “a sick person in bed.” Together they form the concept Bi, ‘a sick person is bombarded with poison arrows from within’. In acupuncture, ‘Bi’ has therefore become a collective name to indicate painful limbs and awkward, stiff movement.
Theoretically, wind, cold and vapor are the main cause for the Bi-complaints. It is a sign of obstruction of Qi and blood in the meridians, which most likely is caused by a weakness of some sort. Joint problems caused by wind-cold and wind-vapor are most common. Of course, people in the more cold countries are likely to suffer more from joint problems and rheumatism than in countries with a warmer climate.
How does acupuncture help?
It is absolutely possible to help with acupuncture rheumatism. By stimulating your body through specific points and activating your self-healing ability, you will be able to develop more energy and better blood circulation step By step. By increasing the quality of energy as well as the quantity of your energy, you are then able to move better and easily. With the ChinaMedic Approach we use different acupuncture techniques to reduce rheumatism quickly and effectively. You Notice the fact that you are going to feel more energetic while your pain is decreasing.