Tinnitus or ringing in the ears
Acupuncture is a safe method of treating tinnitus. According to Chinese Traditional Medicine, tinnitus involves a disturbance in energy at the meridians in the ear region. There is often a good chance that acupuncture will reduce or even make your tinnitus disappear. But what exactly is tinnitus in Chinese medicine?
Tinnitus, is a very annoying condition with various reasons as its potential cause. Although not yet fully understood, tinnitus is associated with loss of hearing, exposure to loud sounds, stress and anxiety, ear infections, and so on. In most cases, the cause is damage to the inner ear caused by loud sounds. Whizzing can be accompanied by hissing, whistling, beeping and humming sounds.
Since the start of ChinaMedic we have been treating tinnitus patients on a weekly basis and has it become one of our specialties. By applying the ChinaMedic approach, precise application of abdominal acupuncture together with the modern technology of LaserNeedle, patients often report diminish of the sound(s) and sometimes having it even disappear completely. As a side effect, tinnitus-related symptoms such as sleeping problems, loss of concentration and unrest often also reduce and/or disappear. To support the treatment, we provide a high-quality herbal powder.
Acupuncture as a remedy
With acute tinnitus (up to three months) and semi-acute tinnitus (three to six months), there is a sudden disturbance in energy at the meridians in the ear region. There is a good chance that with applications of acupuncture, the tinnitus will quickly decrease and may even disappear. It is very important to start treating your tinnitus as soon as possible. This way you avoid the chance that the wheezing will link to a nerve memory, which can lead to a chronic tinnitus.
The ChinaMedic approach uses a combination of classical with abdominal acupuncture and LaserNeedle to remedy this disturbance. In this way the blood circulation of the inner ear also improves, which in turn diminishes the ringing in the ears.
With chronic tinnitus, there is a disturbance of the kidney energy together with weakened energy in the liver and other organs. The ChinaMedic Approach uses a combination of abdominal acupuncture with laser acupuncture and, if necessary, classical acupuncture for the treatment of chronic tinnitus. Herbal therapy is also used as extra support.
The LaserNeedle is aimed at repairing and renewing the cells in the local area. It repairs damage to the cochlea and to the inner hairs through direct, powerful irradiation of the inner ear. De-activation of the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system (the tinnitus manifests and persists in these areas) is done through stimulation with acupuncture needles of specific acupuncture points around the ear.
The application of abdominal acupuncture provides an overall conditional improvement, especially in the recovery of energy and restoration of the energy balance. This virtually painless technique is very suitable for the treatment of chronic tinnitus. The more balance, the more beneficial the healing process for the patient. In this way we have been able to optimally help many patients with tinnitus.
For further information read this 2017 research article: Acupuncture Found Effective For Tinnitus – HealthCMi.
Míng tiān gǔ – Tinnitus Relief
For hundreds of years, we have used the Míng tiān gǔ method in Traditional Chinese Medicine to relieve Tinnitus through small changes in lifestyle and habits.
On the right you will find a short demonstration how you can apply this method in your lifestyle.
We advise you to take a good look at the actions and to persevere as consistently as possible in daily practice.
Do this six times every day, three times in the morning and three times in the evening.