Herbal Therapy
Traditionally, herbs and plants have been used for centuries to promote bodily health. In food, for example, the use of herbs not only ensures that food tastes better, but also that your body can digest the food better.
In Europe, the medicinal effect of herbs and plants in natural form is an aspect of medicine that is best known to a smaller audience. Most Europeans, although this is shifting are trained to sooner think of a pharmaceutical medicine as a remedy then a plant based one. It’s not common knowledge that these ‘medicines’ are based on the active substances in herbs and plants and are a synthetic reproduction of the natural substance.
In the Orient and in particular China, the use of herbs as therapy is seen as an indispensable part and a generally accepted method of healing. Most plants that are used are also known as medicinal in the West. Other plants, on the other hand, are only known as ornamental plants.
The knowledge gained is based on the experience of thousands of years of practical application of the herbs. Throughout the centuries, formulas have been developed in this way that prove their positive effect time and time again. The formulas are composed in such a way that an optimal recovery of balance and harmony can be achieved.
At ChinaMedic we work with herbs in the ‘Jing Fang’ tradition. This means that we adhere to the established and proven formulas transferred through a complete teaching referenced in four complete volumes. In these volumes not only the various herbs are described in detail, but also the physiology of humans and their cohesion.
The herbs that we use are exclusively vegan and of the highest possible quality. In addition to preparing the dried herbs for making herbal teas, we also sell the herbs in tablet, granule or powder form.
Minerals and Vitamins
Enzymes, minerals and vitamins are the building blocks of the body. Normally you would get these building blocks from food. If, for example, you have consumed a one-sided and/or low-quality diet for some time or you live in a polluted environment, your physical reserves may decrease faster than increase, which in time can lead to a (chronic) shortage of these building blocks.
One way to increase your reserves in a relatively short time is to take supplements, provided that the supplements are the right ones for your body and body type. In the event of illness it may be that there is even greater exhaustion than normal. Under the guidance of a professional, it is then possible to take minerals and vitamins in greatly increased concentrations in order to increase the healing capacity of your body.
This method of treatment is to the general public known as orthomolecular therapy.
At ChinaMedic, Kasha Yang has been trained as an orthomolecular therapist and uses this knowledge as support to her acupuncture treatments.
To prevent diseases or weaknesses in your body, eating the right food for your body is one of the simplest ways to achieve this.
An important point is learning how to adjust the diet to your body. Learn to listen to your own physical needs. Not everyone benefits from the same eating program. For example, one person can completely recover from a good salad, while the other needs a hot bite more. One eats early and the other eats late.
- Conditions that apply to everyone to have such an optimal effect are from food:
Eat live food: In practice, this means as fresh as possible and preferably from the ground on your plate. Now the latter, especially when you live in a big city, is usually not feasible. In that case, eat fruit and vegetables as quickly as possible. The longer something stays, the less nutrients (life) it contains. Pre-cut vegetables may be easy, but have far fewer nutrients than uncut vegetables. The less processed and the fewer additions, the better. - Eat in season: Fruit and vegetables provide the most nutritional value when harvested in the season. You can see this in the size and taste in the taste. Cool your body with salads in the summer and warm your body in the winter by eating firmer and more warm. For more detailed information about living with the seasons, see Tips per season under the Current tab.
- Largely Vegetables: Let a large part of your meal consist of vegetables. Especially when you feel a little weak or uncomfortable, eating green leafy vegetables is one of the ways to provide your body with the necessary nutrients to (re)build cells and eliminate germs.
At ChinaMedic we can provide you with extensive information and help you find and apply a balanced diet. Whether you do it because you want to lose weight, because you want to live a healthier life or just because you are interested in nutrition, we are happy to help you.