Menopausal complaints and Acupuncture
Menopause refers to the phase in which a woman is no longer able to conceive. Her role in life is changing. This is a natural process. Changes in the hormone balance can lead to physical and emotional complaints. These complaints are part of the transition. But for some women, they become so intense that functioning in daily life becomes a problem.
The complaints
We speak of menopause from the moment that there hasn’t been a menstruation for at least a year. That moment is usually somewhere between 45 and 55 years. But symptoms related to the impending transition can be experienced much earlier. Hormonal changes can start to occur from the 35th year onward. The production of estrogen and progesterone is decreasing and that can lead to all sorts of physical symptoms. The best known are night sweats, hot flashes, heart palpitations, vaginal dryness, overall fatigue and headache. But also emotionally there is a lot going on in the life of a woman in transition. She must say goodbye to her role as a fertile woman. Many women find this a difficult process and start feeling depressed, emotional or moody.
Restoring the balance
Acupuncture is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This age-old medicine is based on the insight that physical and mental complaints arise from disruptions in the body’s energy management. With acupuncture these disruptions can be repaired and the energy flow in your body is brought back into balance. Acupuncture stimulates the body and mind to heal itself. During an acupuncture treatment, very thin needles are placed at certain points on the body. You can hardly feel it. To increase the effect of the treatment, the needles can be heated with moxa (mugwort). The needles remain in position for approximately thirty minutes. Acupuncture has virtually no side effects. The treatment can be supplemented with massage, herbal therapy or dietary advice.
What can acupuncture do?
Within acupuncture, menopausal symptoms are associated with reduced reproductive energy, called Jing. This energy is stored in the kidneys and can be compared with a battery. Acupuncture treatment therefore focuses on the proper functioning of the kidney energy. In addition, the hormone balance is brought into balance. This reduces the severity of the complaints. Moreover, the complaints will occur less often. If you regularly undergo acupuncture treatment, you will find that living with the transition does not have to be that uncomfortable. How many treatments are needed depends on the nature and severity of your symptoms. Your acupuncturist will tell you more about this.