Weightloss through the application of acupuncture
In our practice we offer a combination of advice, guidance with exercise and nutrition, acupuncture treatment and herbal medicine as an effective method to lose weight. We know from experience that this combination is the most effective in the pursuit of a healthy weight and that losing weight using acupuncture is possible.
Because Chinese Medicine has a different approach to health, this different view of your health also gives a different view of the problem of being overweight and losing weight. Various reasons can cause you to lose weight and every person is unique. All these aspects are examined and treated during the acupuncture treatment, making it easier to lose weight. By applying acupuncture with the help of the ChinaMedic Approach, the blood sugar level can remain more stable, so you will need less food. You will notice that you get more energy through the balanced treatment. You lose weight while improving your quality of life.
Do you want to know what we can do for you? Then contact us!