Menstrual Pain and Acupuncture
Menstrual pain is pain experienced just before and/or during the menstruation cycle. The pain varies from nagging pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, cramps and throbbing headaches. Other complaints include nausea and a general fatigue. In some cases this is accompanied by a heavy blood loss and a long lasting menstrual period.
How can acupuncture help?
There are various underlying reasons that can cause menstrual pain Usually there is an occurrence of a stagnation of some sort. The stagnation can be caused by cold, Qi, or blood.
Firstly we will look for which variant the underlying energy disruption is the cause in your case. Secondly the ChinaMedic Approach will be aimed at remedying the energy disruption and thus reducing the pain. We may advise you to drink a specially formulated herbal tea to support the healing process in addition to acupuncture treatment.