Hay fever
Hay fever is the body’s hypersensitivity to pollen grains (pollen) from wind-pollinating plants, trees and grasses. In fact, the body’s defense mechanism is confused. The pollen, which is harmless in itself, is considered invaders and the body produces a substance (histamine) to combat it. Some people do not tolerate the substance and then get hay fever. The pollen from the birch and from an inconspicuous plant such as mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) often cause a reaction.
A wide variety of reactions caused by hypersensitivity
Hay fever shows itself by a wide variety of symptoms. You experience irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, as well as itchy, watery and burning eyes. Sneezing and a feeling of tightness in the chest are also common. In addition, suffering from hay fever can lead to fatigue and tiredness or an overall feeling of malaise. All the more reason to do something about it!
How can acupuncture help?
Even though acupuncture is successfully applied in acute cases of hay fever, we do recommend starting treatment at an earlier stage. Because hay fever has to do with an incorrectly working immune system, the acupuncturist will use the ChinaMedic Approach to focus the treatment on exactly that. She does this by applying very thin needles to different points on the body in order to regulate the energy flow.
After an average of six treatments an obvious diminishing of the symptoms is noticed in most patients or even that symptoms disappear completely. A number of follow-up treatments may be required during the "hay fever season". Our acupuncturist will discuss this with you.
Even in acupuncture prevention is preferred. That is why we advise you to ensure during the hay fever season that there is as little contact as possible with dry grasses and other wind-pollinating plants and trees. Plants and flowers that are pollinated by insects will not cause problems. Generally these are plants and flowers with a lot of color (the aforementioned mugwort has a bunch of inconspicuous gray flowers).