Acupuncture is also effective in the treatment of heel pain. There are three variations that often involve heel pain: heel spur, tendon inflammation and fat pad syndrome. Acupuncture is applicable in all of these cases. In some cases it turns out that people who are diagnosed with heel actually suffer from a damaged fat pad. Because of the persistent pain it is sometimes difficult to treat, but not impossible.
These are the most common symptoms in the case of heel spur:
- Pain underneath the heel;
- Pain underneath the foot after sitting still for a period of time;
- Pain when walking;
- Painwhen standing still for a long(er) time;
- A stiff or tense feelingin the tendon plate underneath the foot;
- Pain in the heel when driving.
At ChinaMedic we treat heel spur or heel pain with a combination of abdominal acupuncture and LaserNeedle. Both techniques are virtually painless.
The abdominal acupuncture is applied to the entire lower abdomen area. Both the abdomen and the area around the navel contain acupuncture points that are connected to the entire body. During treatment we stimulate the points on the lower abdomen that are in contact with the problem area. This reduces local pain and improves the body’s overall energy flow on three levels. By applying the LaserNeedle directly to the affected area, the pain is reduced locally, as well as the inflammation and blood circulation is promoted. This is a powerful combination for treating stubborn pain.
Below the story of one of our patients:
Feb. 14 2019
One of our female patients is currently very happy with the result after 3 treatments. Her pain has been greatly reduced and she likes to share her experience with others.
She has been suffering with heel pain for the last 3 years. Until she came to ChinaMedic, she had already undergone various therapies and acupuncture is her last hope. She standing and walkingis very painful andduringthe nightshe wakes up because of the pain. She scores a “10” on the VAS pain scale. By treating her with the ChinaMedic Approach and two powerful acupuncture techniques, her pain is greatly reduced after two treatments. After the third treatment, her pain score went from “10” to “3”. It is going so well that she can easily do her daily activities again.
Since it is a chronic heel pain, we advise her to continue with the acupuncture treatments for a while longer.